More 18 posts of Alexander Vogel

quotas de femme dans l'exploitation de matières premières

Corporate Law Reform: Federal Council Sets Date of Entry Into Force of the Regulations on Gender Quota Guidelines and Transparency Rules for Companies That Are Active in the Exploitation of Commodities

After the passing of the Corporate Law Reform, the dates of entry into force are now known for specific parts of the new legislation. This concerns the regulations on gender quota guidelines for the board of directors and executive management as well as the transparency rules for companies that are active in the exploitation of commodities. Due to the different transitional provisions, the latter…

FinSA/FinIA: Licenses Granted to the First Supervisory Organisations, Registration Bodies and Ombudsman Offices – More Clarity in the Transition Regimes for Financial Service Providers

FINMA granted the first licenses to two supervisory organisations for the supervision of portfolio managers and trustees and to one registration body maintaining client advisory registers. Recently, the Federal Finance Department recognized four Ombudsman offices. These licenses/recognitions triggered the last transition periods for various duties of financial service providers (such as investmen…

New Commentary about Financial Market Infrastructures, Disclosure and Public Takeover Rules as well as Book Entry Securities

MLL has published a new Orell Füssli commentary about the Swiss Financial Market Infrastructure Act and the Federal Intermediated Securities Act 
Alexander Vogel, Head of Corporate, Banking and Finance, Christoph Heiz, Partner Banking & Finance, and Reto Luthiger, Senior Associate Banking & Finance, wrote and published this comprehensive and interdisciplinary commentary in the Orell Füssli publi…

Blockchain Schweiz

Crypto Nation Switzerland Moves Forward Fast: Swiss Government Proposes DLT-Uncertificated Rights with Securities Nature

After publishing a very comprehensive report on distributed ledger technology (DLT) and blockchain in last December, the Federal Council initiated during its meeting on 22 March 2019 the next step by a public consultation on the adaptation of specific federal law provisions to developments in DLT and blockchain. This further underlines the emphasis of the Federal Council on creating the best poss…

Blockchain Schweiz

Big Step for Swiss Blockchain Ecosystem: Swiss Government Issues New Comprehensive Report on Blockchain Technology

The Swiss Federal Council recently released a comprehensive report on the embedding of the Blockchain technology into the Swiss legal framework: This report shall guide the way to bringing the legal certainty for the Swiss Blockchain ecosystem to the next level. But the reports shows also that Switzerland (i) is open for new technologies, (ii) has already very well established legal framework for…

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MLL Legal is one of the leading law firms in Switzerland with offices in Zurich, Geneva, Zug, Lausanne, London and Madrid. We advise our clients in all areas of business law and stand out in particular for our first-class industry expertise in technical-innovative specialist areas, but also in regulated industries.

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Much is still unclear in relation to liability questions around AI tools.

Read our latest post about “Liability during the Lifecycle of an AI Tool” and download our white paper.

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MLL Legal is a leading Swiss law firm with a history that dates back to 1885. The firm has grown both organically and by means of strategic mergers, the latest of which took place on 1st July 2021 between Meyerlustenberger Lachenal and FRORIEP.

The merger establishes MLL Legal, a combined new entity as one of the largest commercial law firms in Switzerland with 150 lawyers in four offices in Switzerland and two offices abroad, in London and Madrid serving clients seeking Swiss law advice.

Our firm has a strong international profile and brings together recognised leadership and expertise in all areas of law affecting commerce today, with a focus on high-tech, innovative and regulated sectors. 

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