More 27 posts of Michael Reinle

Has the decision of the Belgian Data Protection Authority against IAB Europe shaken the ground on which the adtech industry stands in Europe?

On 2 February 2022, the Belgian Data Protection Authority found that the transparency and consent framework developed by the Interactive Advertising Bureau Europe (IAB Europe) does not comply with GDPR and imposed a fine of EUR 250’000.00 on the company as well as coercive measures. If you work in marketing or even just use the widespread mechanism of IAB Europe, check out our article on the reas…

Data Protection Act Revision: Federal Office of Justice Publishes Date of Entry Into Force

The Federal Office of Justice recently published that the revised Federal Act on Data Protection will enter into force on 1 September 2023. The date of entry into force remains to be confirmed by the Federal Council in a formal decision. Although the published date gives data processing businesses a little more time for implementation, they are well-advised to start implementation work now, in pa…

You Snooze, You Lose – Make Sure That Your Idea Is Protected When Sharing It With Third Parties

When you have an idea for a product or start-up ready for execution, but you do not feel like you want to start a business on your own or you simply do not have the necessary funds to do so, you might be looking for co-founders or investors. When doing so, you do not want someone else to learn of your idea and then take it and use it themselves. Therefore, it is important to keep the circle of pe…

New Swiss data protection law: an overview of the most important revisions of the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection

At the end of September 2020, after a legislative process of almost four years, both chambers of the Swiss Parliament approved the revised Federal Act on Data Protection (revised FADP). The revised FADP includes numerous adaptations to the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but retains its own basic concept and also deviates from the GDPR in various aspects. Examples of important cha…

EU Declares the EU-US Data Protection Shield Inadequate: Immediate Consequences for Businesses Transferring Personal Data to the USA and Other Countries

On the 16 July 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) finally rendered its long-awaited judgement in the Case C-311/18, Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland & Schrems (“Schrems II”) on the validity of Standard Contractual Clauses (“SCC”) as a transfer mechanism for transferring personal data from the EU/ EEA to third countries under the General Data Protection Regula…

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MLL Legal is one of the leading law firms in Switzerland with offices in Zurich, Geneva, Zug, Lausanne, London and Madrid. We advise our clients in all areas of business law and stand out in particular for our first-class industry expertise in technical-innovative specialist areas, but also in regulated industries.

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Much is still unclear in relation to liability questions around AI tools.

Read our latest post about “Liability during the Lifecycle of an AI Tool” and download our white paper.

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MLL Legal is a leading Swiss law firm with a history that dates back to 1885. The firm has grown both organically and by means of strategic mergers, the latest of which took place on 1st July 2021 between Meyerlustenberger Lachenal and FRORIEP.

The merger establishes MLL Legal, a combined new entity as one of the largest commercial law firms in Switzerland with 150 lawyers in four offices in Switzerland and two offices abroad, in London and Madrid serving clients seeking Swiss law advice.

Our firm has a strong international profile and brings together recognised leadership and expertise in all areas of law affecting commerce today, with a focus on high-tech, innovative and regulated sectors. 

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