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On 1 January 2024, various amendments to Swiss foundation law will come into force. New provisions will be introduced in the following areas:
- Complaint on supervisory matters regulated by law (Art. 84 para. 3 Swiss Civil Code, hereinafter “CC”);
- Extension of the founder’s rights through a reservation of the right to amend the organization (Art. 86a CC);
- Simplification of minor amendments to the foundation’s deed (Art. 86b CC);
- Form applicable to amendments of the deeds (Art. 86c CC).
Although these amendments to foundation law will not come into force until January 1st, 2024, a reservation of the right to amend the organization when establishing new foundations can already be stipulated today when a foundation is established.
In addition, since the entry into force of the Swiss stock corporation law amendment on 1 January 2023, two further new provisions exist concerning:
- Procedure in the event of impending insolvency and over-indebtedness (Art. 84a CC);
- Disclosure of remuneration (Art. 84b CC).
Click on the button below to download further information on new developments in Swiss foundation law.